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Male genitals in a sentence

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Sentence count:11Posted:2024-09-01Updated:2024-09-01
Similar words: female genitalsmale genitaliafemale genitaliagenitalscongenital anomalycongenital abnormalitygenitalgenitaliaMeaning: n. external male sex organs. 
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(1) It is superb for female and male genitals to cure mycosis, itches and other discomforts. It can be used as a preventive for inflammation of the bladder.
(2) During orgasm, both female and male genitals swell with blood, their pulse races and muscles contract involuntarily at intervals of 0.8 seconds (approximately).
(3) Secondly, a genetic boy may be born with a fully functioning female brain and a set of male genitals.
(4) Puberty rituals are often accompanied with ceremonial circumcision or some other operation on the male genitals .
(5) The Ancients viewed the calabash as the symbol of the male genitals.
(6) Provide correct terminology to children who use other words for male genitals.
(7) Step one: When you request him to demonstrate it to like stroking male genitals ' way(, usually can feel embarrassed.
(8) They do not feel that they are women trapped in male bodies and they have no desire at all to 'become female' by taking hormones or having surgery to remove their male genitals.
(9) Life is entwined with all kinds of imaginings, and male genitals have all sorts of attached meanings.
(10) In the third prenatal month in humans, male fetuses begin to produce more testosterone, which signals their genes to begin creating the structures for male genitals.
(11) Even though Begum's attacker certainly deserved what he got, the idea of a set of male genitals in a plastic bag is enough to give any man nightmares.
More similar words: female genitalsmale genitaliafemale genitaliagenitalscongenital anomalycongenital abnormalitygenitalgenitaliacongenitalurogenitalgenital wartgenital herpesadrenogenitalcongenital defectcongenital diseasecongenital disordertelegeniclegendlegendrylegendarydigital signalsurban legendcommunity collegearthurian legendbubble generatorgenitorvitalsgenitiveprogenitorvital sign
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